Undeterred by the doubts of others or more gnawingly her own, undaunted by the enormity of her task, her six children, or her lack of formal education, and never disheartened by her many physical ails, Lucille forged open the gateway to wisdom for hundreds of followers from Spokane, Washington, to Washington DC. People often asked her to fill roles for which she did not have the expected or relevant experience and background. In spite of opposition and lack of support, she was driven by her strong will to her spiritual path; at the same time, her strong will could demand daily adjustments from those around her, be they students or clerks in a store. For the last twelve years of her life, she experienced torturous physical ailments and arthritis pain. On one hand, Lucille had expansive meditative experiences (“luminous sitting”). But on the other hand, she was tied to the physical world (“torturous walking”), which was not always kind to her. Most people know Lucille Cedercrans Schaible as the author of meditation resources such as The Nature of the Soul, The Soul and Its Instrument, or Corrective/Creative Thinking. Developed from 1948 to 1963, her work is called the New Thoughtform Presentation of the Wisdom (NTFPW). In the early 1970s, she began to shift her focus to Tibetan Buddhism, which she was authorized to teach until her death in 1984. The biography traces Lucille's life from the time the ageless wisdom presented to her, to her training in the Science of Impression and the resultant multiple materials from the Master R, to her years at the University of Michigan, and through her transition to Tibetan Buddhism, initially with Tarthang Tulku Rinpoche and then with His Holiness Dudjom Rinpoche and the Dudjom Tersar Lineage of Nyingma Tibetan Buddhism. Additional chapters explore the Science of Impression (comparing it to the method used by Alice A. Bailey with Master DK) and present the doubts Lucille experienced with this form of knowing.